Multinational Force
and Observers Medal

Display Recognition

Site Index

      • Sample Display Recognition
      • Applicable Military Branches
      • Display Types
      • Issue Requirements
      • Issue Regulations
      • Who May Apply
      • Administration Processing and Delivery
      • How To Apply For This Display Recognition and/or
      • Mailing Address
      • Questions?
      • Other Display Recognitions
      • Air Service Websites
      • Sample Display Recognition:
        Displayed: Army.
        All Five Service Branches, Army, Coast Guard,
        Marine and Navy are Applicable.

        Military Branches

        All Military Service branches are applicable:
        Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy

        Who May Apply

        • Veteran recipients
        • Active Duty recipients
        • Family Members of recipients
        • Estate Inheritors

        Display Types

        You have four display types to choose from:
        Black & White (No Color)
        Heavy Bond Enclosure

        Heavy Bond Enclosure
        Colors: Regal, Black, Navy
        Trimmed in Appearance Gold

        Ready for Mantle or Shelf Display

        Issue Requirements
        You must submit the following:

      • An unaltered photocopy of your DD-214, WD AGO, NAVPERS, NG or other military issued document clearly displaying your Multinational Force and Observers Medal authorization.
      • NOTICE

        This Display Recognition is available ONLY to authorized recipients who possess orders, or authorization form, or release documentation that confirms award eligibility. (See "Issue Requirements"). To obtain either a Display or a Display Recognition for your authorized award you will be required to provide military-issued documentation authorizing your award. There are no exceptions.

        You must NOT submit a military issued document or photocopy that:

        • has been altered in any way by you after
          the original's official issue
        • contains information or corrections or
          additions that you entered
        • lists awards or training you knowingly did not receive
        • contains highlighting, colorizing or other markings you entered

        Be advised that on request any knowingly fraudulent document sent by you will be released to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that may result in prosecution and/or fine/imprisonment.

        Email Questions, or Phone: 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)

        Personnel Branch
        Processing and Delivery

        Style Admin Shipping Total
        Full Color .PDF (Printable) $7.50 Emailed $7.50
        Published Document only (Full Color) $14.00 $10.77 USPS $24.77
        Heavy Bond Enclosure (Full Color) $19.00 $10.77 USPS $29.77

      • *** USPS USPS Shipping fee based on 1 Certificate shipped to any U.S. state, FPO or APO
      • ** USPS USPS Shipping fee based on 1 Certificate shipped to any U.S. state, FPO or APO
      • Contact The War Library for international shipping cost
      • How to Apply

        You may apply for your Display Recognition using a...

      • Check Debit card (* Shipped within 1 week)
      • Charge card (* Shipped within 1 week)
      • Personal, Business, Bank or Cashiers Check ( Shipped in 6 weeks)
      • Money Order (* Shipped in 6 weeks)
      • (* Upon reception of required documentation)

        Complete and MAIL this APPLICATION FORM.
        Don't forget to include an unaltered COPY of your DD-214, WD AGO 53-55 or other pre-arranged document(s).


        Mailing Address

        Records Chief (REC-AMW)
        The American War Library
        817 East Via Carmelitos Ste 319
        Long Beach CA 90805-7549


        Click here for answers to common questions

        Email: Multinational Force and Observers Medal Display Recognition Inquiry

        Telephone: 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)

        Copyright ©  The American War Library
        Military and Veteran Websites
        The G.I. Photograph Museum of Honor
        Locator Registry Applications
        Accessing The Worldwide Military Personnel Database

        Issue Regulations
        Multinational Force and Observers Medal

        Click for larger image

        The Multinational Force and Observers Medal was established by the Director General, Multinational Force and Observers (MFO), 24 March 1982. Presidential acceptance for the United States Armed Forces and DOD civilian personnel is announced by Department of Defense on 28 July 1982.

        a. Eligibility. To qualify for the award personnel must have served with the MFO at least ninety (90) cumulative days after 3 August 1981. Effective 15 March 1985, personnel must serve 6 months (170 days minimum) with the MFO to qualify for the award. Periods of service on behalf of the MFO outside of the Sinai, and periods of leave while a member is serving with the MFO, may be counted toward eligibility for the MFO medal. Qualifying time may be lost for disciplinary reasons.

        b. Awards. The Director General, MFO makes awards, or in his or her name by officials to whom he or she delegates awarding authority.

        c. Presentation. Presentations are usually to be made by personnel designated by the Director General, MFO. When presentation is not accomplished, any person with MFO service who believes he or she is eligible for the award may submit a request for the award to USA HRC, ATTN: AHRCPDOPA, Alexandria, VA 223320471. This request must include complete details related to MFO duty, including geographical location and inclusive dates of service, and copies of all substantiating documents. Commanding General, USA HRC, will then forward each such request through the Office of Internal Administration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, to the Multinational Force and Observers for consideration.

        d. Subsequent awards. An appropriate numeral starting with numeral 2 will indicate second and subsequent awards for each completed 6-month tour. If an individual has not completed a cumulative 6-month tour, he or she is not eligible for award of the MFO medal unless one of the following conditions exists:

        (1) The award is to be made posthumously.

        (2) The member is medically evacuated due to service-incurred injuries or serious illness.

        (3) The member is withdrawn at the request of the parent Government for national service reasons under honorable conditions.


        This medal has been in effect since August 3, 1981.


        The Multinational Force & Observers Medal is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States (and to civilian employees of the Department of Defense) who serve with the Multinational force and Observers for at least 90 cumulative days. Effective March 15, 1985, personnel must serve six months (170 days minimum) with the MFO to qualify for the medal. However, eligibility will be considered to have been satisfied if:

        >> The award is made posthumously

        >> The member is medically repatriated due to MFO service-incurred injuries or illness

        >> The member completes a contingent tour of less than six months, as agreed between the Director General and the respective Participating State.


        The design of the MFO medal is based on the logo of the Multinational Forces and Observers organization.


        The Multinational Force and Observers medal is worn by members of the:

        >> Army: After the United Nations Medal and before the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal

        >> Navy,Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard: After the United Nations Medal and before the Inter-American Defense Board Medal


        Additional entitlements to the MF&O medal are denoted by numerals.

        Description and Symbolism


        On a bronze medallion suspended by a straight bar (identical to that used by the Distinguished Flying Cross) the MFO emblem: an artistically stylized dove superimposed over an olive branch. At the top, following the contour of the medal, the words MULTINATIONAL FORCE and at the bottom, & OBSERVERS, all superimposed over a cross-hatched background. The dove and olive branch symbolize peace.


        The reverse is plain except for the words UNITED / IN / SERVICE / FOR / PEACE in five lines.


        The ribbon has a center stripe of white (three-eighths of an inch wide), bordered on either side by a green (one eighth of an inch wide) and orange (three eighths of an inch wide).

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