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Expert Field Medical Badge
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 15/16 inch in height and 1 7/16 inches in width consisting of a stretcher crossed by a caduceus surmounted at top by a Greek cross.
II. SYMBOLISM: The Medical Corps insignia of branch, modified by the addition of a Greek cross suggesting the Geneva Convention between the wings and the entwined serpents, signifies the recipients skills and expertise. It is superimposed upon a stretcher alluding to medical field service.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: This badge recognizes Army medical personnel for attaining a high state of technical skill in field medical functions. It is awarded on the basis of proven skill and performance. Prior to being awarded the badge, personnel must successfully pass all test parts prescribed by Army Regulations.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Expert Medical Badge was approved on 18 June 1965.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black. The cloth badge has an olive green base cloth with the stretcher, caduceus and cross embroidered in black.
VI.MINIATURE BADGES: A dress miniature badge 9/16-inch in height is authorized.
Army Aviator Badges
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 3/4 inch in height and 2 1/2 inches in width, consisting of the shield of the coat of arms of the United States on and over a pair of displayed wings. A star is added above the shield to indicate qualification as a Senior Army Aviator. The star is surrounded with a laurel wreath to indicate qualification as a Master Army Aviator.
II. SYMBOLISM: The wings suggest flight and reflect the skills associated with aerial flight. The shield of the coat of arms of the United States signifies loyalty and devotion to duty.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: Army Aviator: The individual must have satisfactorily completed the prescribed training and proficiency tests conducted by the U.S. Army Aviation Center and must have been designated as an Aviator in appropriate orders. Senior Aviator: Have 1,000 flying hours in aircraft or seven years from basic rating date. Master Aviator: Have 2,000 hours in aircraft or 15 years from basic rating date.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Aviator and Senior Aviator Badges were approved on 27 July 1950 and the Master Aviator Badge was approved on 12 February 1957.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black; the cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with design elements embroidered in black.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: Dress miniature badges are authorized in the following sizes: Aviator 21/64 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Senior Aviator 13/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Master Aviator 15/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width.
Miniature badges are 19/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width; 11/16 inch in height and 2 inches in width; and 23/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width, respectively.
Aviation Badge (formerly Aircrew Badge (1947-2000)
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 3/4 inch in height and 2 1/2 inches in width, consisting of a shield with its field scored with horizontal lines and bearing the coat of arms of the United States on and over a pair of displayed wings. A star is added above the shield to indicate the degree of Senior Aviation Badge and the star is surrounded with a laurel wreath to indicate the degree of Master Aviation Badge.
II. SYMBOLISM: The badge is the same design as that for Army Aviator with the coat of arms of the United States substituted for the shield of the coat of arms of the United States. The wings suggest flight and reflect the skills associated with aerial flight. The coat of arms of the United States on the shield signifies loyalty and devotion to duty.
III. SPECIAL POLICY: (a) The retroactive date for these badges is 1 Jan 1947; (b) The Master Aviation Badge and Senior Aviation Badge are authorized for permanent wear. The Basic Aviation Badge may be authorized for temporary or permanent wear. An officer awarded an Aviation Badge while serving in an enlisted status is authorized to wear the badge as a permanent part of the uniform; (c) Permanent award of the Basic, Master, and Senior Aviation Badges will be announced in Permanent Orders by commanders authorized to approve the award.
IV. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The badges are awarded in degrees to personnel who have met the following requirements:
Basic Aviation Badge Permanent Award. (a) Individual must be on flying status as a crewmember in accordance with AR 600-106 or be granted a waiver by HQDA, be on flying status, have performed in-flight duties for not less than 48 flight hours (whichever comes first), or be school trained; (b) An officer on flying status as an aerial observer. U.S. Army personnel assigned to a Joint Service Airborne Command Post and serving as members of an operational team on flying status manning the Airborne Command Post. Concurrent with such assignment, personnel are authorized temporary wear of the Basic Aviation Badge until relieved from such duties or until he or she fulfills the mandatory requirements for permanent award; (c) Individual who has been incapacitated for further flight duty by reason of being wounded as a result of enemy action, or injured as the result of an aircraft accident for which he or she was not personally responsible, or has participated in at least 15 combat missions under probable exposure to enemy fire while performing in-flight duties; (d) Soldiers upon successful completion of formal advanced individual training (AIT) in career management field (CMF) 67 and 93 MOS', MOS 71P, and to soldiers who previously completed AIT in CMF 28 MOS', including soldiers who graduated from AIT for MOS' in the 68 series. Soldiers holding MOS's 35L, 35M, 35Q, and 35W who graduated from a (CMF) 67 AIT prior to 30 September 1996 and MOS's 93C and 93P who graduated from a (CMF) 67 AIT after 31 December 1985 are authorized based on documents prior AIT; (e) Individuals who meet criteria for award of the Army Astronaut Device and are not authorized an Aviator, Flight Surgeon or Aviation Badge will be awarded the Aviation Badge in addition to the Army Astronaut Device; (f) The Aviation badge may be permanently awarded to soldiers upon successful completion of formal AIT in (CMF) 93 MOS'. Soldiers previously holding MOS 93B who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 1 January 1998 and soldiers previously holding MOS 93D who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 30 September 1996, to include MOS 71P who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 30 June 1984, are authorized the badge based on documented AIT after 7 April 1983.
Temporary Award. The commander of any Army unit that has Army aircraft assigned may authorize in published orders qualified personnel of his or her command to wear the Aviation Badge. The individual must be performing in-flight duties.
Senior Aviation Badge. Individual must either successfully perform 7 years on flight status in a principal duty assignment described in AR 600-106. Soldiers in (CMF) 67 and 93, or MOS 71P, including all 68 series MOS', Warrant Officer MOS' 150A and 151A, and MOS 00Z, individuals from (CMF) 67 or 93 field, or MOS 71P field, may qualify with 10 years of experience if they meet the following criteria: (a) Only time involving frequent and regular flights will be counted toward fulfillment of this requirement, except that time involved in transit between PCS assignments to include TDY, will also be credited; (b) Soldiers who retain (CMF) 67 or 93, or MOS 71P, while performing career progressive assignments, especially duties as Drill Sergeant, Recruiter, Career Management NCO, Career Advisor, Instructor or Equal Opportunity Advisor will be counted towards this requirement not to exceed 36 months. Warrant Officers MOS 150A or 151A may qualify after successfully performing 7 years on flight status or 10 years experience in (CMF) 67 or 93, or MOS 71P, MOS 151A or 150A. Prior enlisted (CMF) 67, to include MOS 71P, time may count with MOS 151A experience and (CMF) 93 time may count with MOS 150A experience to fulfill this requirement. The retroactive date for this badge under these criteria is 7 April 1983; (c) Displayed complete competence in the principal duty or duties performed leading to this award; (d) Be recommended by the unit commander of the unit to which presently assigned.
Retroactive Award. The retroactive date for award of this badge is 7 April 1983 for (CMF) 93, MOS 71P, Warrant Officer MOS 150A and 151A and individuals in MOS 00Z. Soldiers holding (CMF) 93 or MOS 93D, prior to 30 September 1996 and MOS 93B prior to 1 January 1998, to include MOS 71P prior to 30 June 1984 may qualify for award of the Senior Aviation Badge based on documented experience.
Master Aviation Badge. Individual must successfully perform 15 years on flight status in a principal duty assignment described in AR 600-106. Soldiers in (CMF) 67 and 93, or MOS 71P, including all 68 series MOS', Warrant Officer MOS' 150A and 151A, and MOS 00Z, individuals from (CMF) 67 or 93 field, or MOS 71P field, may qualify with 17 years of experience if they meet the following criteria: (a) Only time involving frequent and regular flights will be counted toward fulfillment of this requirement, except that time involved in transit between PCS assignments, to include TDY, will also be credited; (b) Soldiers who retain (CMF) 67 or 93, or MOS 71P, while performing career progressive assignments, especially duties as Drill Sergeant, Recruiter, Career Management NCO, Career Advisor, Instructor or Equal Opportunity Advisor will be counted towards this requirement not to exceed 36 months. Warrant Officers MOS 150A or 151A may qualify after successfully performing 15 years on flight status or 17 years experience in (CMF) 67 or 93, or MOS 71P, MOS 151A or 150A. Prior enlisted (CMF) 67 time, to include MOS 71P, may count with MOS 151A experience and (CMF) 93 time may count with MOS 150A experience to fulfill this requirement; (c) Displayed complete competence in the principal duty or duties performed leading to this award; (d) Attained the grade of E-6 or higher; (e) Be recommended by the unit commander and endorsed by the next higher commander of the unit to which presently assigned.
Retroactive Date. The retroactive date for the badge under these revised criteria is 1 January 1976. The retroactive date for (CMF) 93, MOS 71P, Warrant Officer MOS' 150A and 151A and individuals in MOS 00Z is 7 April 1983. Soldiers holding (CMF) 93, MOS 93D, prior to 30 September 1966 and MOS 93B, prior to 1 January 1998, to include MOS 71P prior to 30 Jun 1984 may qualify for award of the Master Aviation Badge based on documented experience.
V. DATE APPROVED: The Aviation Badge was originally approved as the Aircraft Crew Member Badge by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations on 16 May 1962. The Deputy Chief of Staff approved the change to the present Aviation Badges on 29 Feb 2000 retroactive to 1 Jan 1947 for Military Personnel.
VI. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black. The cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with design elements embroidered in black.
miniature badges are authorized in the following sizes: Basic Aviation Badge - 21/64 inch high and 1 1/4 inches wide; Senior Aviation Badge - 13/32 inch high and 1 1/4 inches wide; and Master Aviation Badge - 15/32 inch high and 1 1/4 inches wide.
Miniature badges for the three degrees are authorized in the following sizes: 19/32 inch high and 2 inches wide; 11/16 inch high and 2 inches wide; and 23/32 inch high and 2 inches wide, respectively.
Flight Surgeon Badges
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 23/32 inch in height and 2 1/2 inches in width, consisting of a shield, its field scored with horizontal lines and bearing the Staff of Aesculapius on and over a pair of displayed wings. A star is added above the shield to indicate the degree of Senior Flight Surgeon and the star is surrounded with a laurel wreath to indicate the degree of Master Flight Surgeon.
II. SYMBOLISM: The wings suggest flight and reflect the skills associated with aerial flight. The Staff of Aesculapius is traditionally and historically associated with healing and medical skills.
III. AWARD ELIGIBIITY: Awarded to any medically qualified Army Medical Corps Officer who satisfactorily completes training and other requirements prescribed in AR 600-105.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Flight Surgeon Badge (originally approved as the Aviation Medical Officer Badge) was approved on 28 December 1956. The Senior Flight Surgeon (formerly the Flight Surgeon) and Master Flight Surgeon (formerly the Senior Flight Surgeon) Badges were approved on 12 August 1963. The changes in designations were by message from the Commander, U.S. Army Military Personnel Center, 22 November 1973.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black. The cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with design elements embroidered in black.
Dress miniature badges are authorized in the following sizes: Flight Surgeon 21/64 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Senior Flight Surgeon 13/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width; Master Fight Surgeon 15/32 inch in height and 1 1/4 inches in width
Miniature badges are 19/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width; 11/16 inch in height and 2 inches in width; and 23/32 inch in height and 2 inches in width, respectively.
Army Astronaut Device And Badges
I. DESCRIPTION: A gold colored stylized shooting star with three contrails enfiling an elyse saltirewise. The device is placed on the appropriate existing aviation badges.
II. SYMBOLISM: The badge design is the same as that for Army Aviation (aviator, flight surgeon, crewmember, etc.) with the shooting star and elliptical orbit superimposed over the shield. The shooting star passing through the elliptical orbit implies space and the astronauts theatre of operations.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The appropriate Astronaut Badge may be awarded to any individual who has been awarded any one of the Army Aviation Badges as specified in AR 600-8-22, and who completes a minimum of one operational mission in space (50 miles above earth). Astronauts, who have not been awarded an aviation badge previously, will be awarded the crewmember badge.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Army Astronaut Device was approved on 17 May 1983.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black with brown device. The cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with design elements embroidered in black. The astronaut device is brown.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: Dress miniature badges are authorized for each of the astronaut badges.
Air Assault Badge
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 3/4 inch in height and 1 17/32 inches in width, consisting of a helicopter, frontal view, superimposed upon a pair of stylized wings displayed and curving inward
II. SYMBOLISM: The wings suggest flight and together with the helicopter symbolize individual skills and qualifications in assault landings utilizing the helicopter.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: Awarded by commanders of divisions and separate brigades to individuals who satisfactorily complete an air assault training course in accordance with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Commands Standardized Air Assault Core Program of Instruction. Also authorized for any individual who has satisfactorily completed the Standard Air Assault Course when assigned or attached to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) since 1 April 1974.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Air Assault Badge was approved by the Chief of Staff, Army, on 18 January 1978, for Army-wide wear by individuals who successfully completed Air Assault training after 1 April 1974. The badge had previously been approved as the Airmobile Badge authorized for local wear by the Commander of the 101st Airborne Division, effective 1 April 1974.
V. SUBDUED BADGE: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge is black. The cloth badge is of olive drab base cloth with design elements embroidered in black.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: A miniature badge, 7/16 inch in height and 7/8 inch in width is authorized.
Diver Badges
a. Scuba: A 1 inch high silver badge consisting of a scuba divers hood with face mask, mouthpiece, and breathing tubes. The width is 31/32 inch.
b. Salvage: A silver diving helmet, 1 inch in height, with the letter "S" 3/8 inch in height, superimposed on the chest plate. The width is 23/32 inch.
Second Class
c. Second Class: A silver diving helmet 1 inch in height. The width is 23/32 inch.
First Class
d. First Class: A silver diving helmet 15/16 inch in height, between two dolphins, 1 inch high. The width is 1 3/32 inches.
e. Master: A silver diving helmet 7/8 inch in height in front of a trident 1 1/4 inches in height between two dolphins. The width is 1 3/32 inches.
a. Scuba: The distinctive equipment of the scuba diver represents the skills and abilities required to qualify for the basic diver rating.
b. Salvage: The divers helmet is the basic equipment and the letter "S" is superimposed on the design to reflect salvage activities such as harbor clearance, rock and concrete blasting, steel and timber removal and the removal of propellers for display.
c. Second Class: The divers helmet is the basic equipment used in diving operations.
d. First Class: The badge includes the design of the divers helmet to reflect diving operations and includes the dolphins to suggest the function of diving, without the helmet required of a deep sea diver.
e. Master: The trident is added to the design of the First Class badge which is symbolic of a marine spearhead and stands for valor and strength.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The requirements for each award are contained in AR 611-75. Several progressive requirements to attain each level of qualification have been established.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Second Class, Salvage, First Class and Master Diver Badges were approved on 15 February 1944. The Scuba was approved on 1 May 1969.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badge for all designs is black. The cloth badge is of olive green base cloth with outlines of the design embroidered in black with background olive drab.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: Dress miniature badges are authorized in the following sizes:
a Scuba: 19/32 inch
b. Salvage: 7/16 inch
c. Second Class: 7/16 inch
d. First Class: 11/16 inch
e. Master: 11/16 inch
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badges
I. DESCRIPTION: A silver badge, 1 3/4 inches in height, consisting of shield charged with a conventional, drop bomb, point down, from which radiates four lightning flashes, all in front of and contained within a wreath of laurel leaves. The Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge is the same as the basic badge except the drop bomb bears a 7/32 inch silver star. The Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge is the same as the Senior except a star, surrounded by a laurel wreath, is added above the shield.
II. SYMBOLISM: The shield charged with a drop bomb is from the shoulder sleeve insignia approved for the Bomb Disposal School in 1942. The device was subsequently adopted for wear on a brassard to identify bomb disposal personnel. The bomb, with point down, indicates a live bomb and with the shield reflects the functions of ordnance personnel to safely dispose of live ordnance.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The specific criteria for award of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badges is included in AR 600-8-22, all badges require assignment to specific TOE/TDA EOD positions and recommendation by the commander, in addition to the following:
a. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Badge: Must have MOS 55D (enlisted) or 91E (officer), complete prescribed instruction and perform satisfactorily for 18 months for the award to become permanent.
b. Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge: Must have been awarded the basic EOD Badge and (effective 1 May 1989) have served 36 cumulative months in an EOD position following award of the basic badge.
c. Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge: Must have been awarded the Senior EOD Badge and served 60 months in a TOE/TDA officer of NCO EOD position, since award of the senior badge.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, approved the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist and the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Supervisor Badges on 31 July 1957. In June 1969, the Master EOD Badge was authorized. At the same time, the designation of the supervisors badge was changed to Senior EOD Badge and the EOD Specialist Badge was changed to EOD Badge.
V. SUBDUED BADGE: The subdued badge is authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badges have a black finish. The cloth badges are on an olive green base cloth with the wreath, bomb, lightning flashes and outline of shield embroidered in black. The star on the bomb for the senior and master badges is embroidered olive drab. The wreath and star above the badge for the master is also embroidered black.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: A dress miniature badge, 7/8 inch wide, is authorized.
Glider Badge
I. DESCRIPTION: An oxidized silver badge 11/16 inch in height and 1 1/2 inches in width consisting of a glider, frontal view, superimposed upon a pair of stylized wings displayed and curving inward.
II. SYMBOLISM: The wings suggest flight and together with the glider symbolize individual skills and qualifications in aerial flight utilizing the glider.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The Glider Badge is no longer awarded. At the time authorization of the badge was announced, personnel must have been assigned or attached to a glider or airborne unit or to the Airborne Department of the Infantry School; satisfactorily completed a course of instruction, or participated in at least one combat glider landing into enemy-held territory.
IV. DATE APPROVED: Authorization of the Glider Badge was announced in War Department Circular No. 220, 2 June 1944.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: A subdued badge in black metal finished of the same design is authorized.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: A dress miniature badge, 13/32 inch in height and 7/8 inch in width is authorized.
Parachute Rigger Badge
I. DESCRIPTION: A silver winged hemispherical canopy with conically arrayed cords, 1 3/4 inches wide, with a band centered on the badge inscribed "RIGGER".
II. SYMBOLISM: The winged parachute represents the functions of rigging of supplies for air drop as well as packing and repair of parachutes used for personnel and cargo.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The Parachute Rigger Badge is awarded to soldiers who successfully complete the prescribed course of instruction conducted by the U.S. Army Quartermaster School and have been awarded MOS 43E (enlisted) or 401A (warrant). Officers may be awarded the badge upon completion of a course of instruction prescribed by AR 600-8-22.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The Parachute Rigger Badge was approved by the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, on 9 June 1986. This approval was retroactive to include personnel who completed the prescribed course of instruction subsequent to May 1951.
V. SUBDUED BADGE: The subdued badge is authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badges have a black finish. The cloth badge is on an olive green base cloth with the wings, canopy, ropes and letters embroidered in black. The designation band and background between the ropes are embroidered in olive drab.
VI. MINIATURE BADGE: A dress miniature badge, 7/8 inch wide, is authorized.
Pathfinder Badge
I. DESCRIPTION: A gold color metal and enamel badge 1 3/16 inches in height and 1 1/2 inches in width, consisting of a gold sinister wing displayed on and over a gold torch with red and gray flames.
II. SYMBOLISM: The wing suggests flight and airborne capabilities; the torch symbolizes leadership and guidance implying pathfinder combat skills.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: The Commandant of the U.S. Army Infantry School may award the Pathfinder Badge to any person who successfully completed the Pathfinder Course conducted by that School.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The badge (in felt) was originally approved on 22 May 1964 and was replaced as a metal and enamel item on 11 October 1968.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: A subdued badge in black metal finish of the same design is authorized.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: A dress miniature badge, 11/16 inch in height and 7/8 inch in width is authorized.
Nuclear Reactor Operator Badges
(The Army no longer conducts nuclear reactor operations nor nuclear reactor training. Current Army recipients who were permanently award any of the badges may continue to wear it on the Army uniform. AR 672-5-1, dated 1 October 1990, terminated authorization to award the badge.)
I. DESCRIPTION: The badges are described as follows:
a. Basic: On a 7/8 inch square centered on two horizontal bars each 1/8 inch in width separated by a 3/32 inch square and protruding 1/8 inch from each side of the square, a disc 3/4 inch in diameter bearing the symbol of the planet Uranus all silver colored metal 7/8 inch in height overall.
b. Second Class Operator: The basic badge reduced in size placed on and partially encircled at the base by an open laurel wreath, the ends of the upper bar resting on the tips of the wreath, all of silver colored metal 1 inch in height overall. The areas between the wreath and the basic badge are pierced.
c. First Class Operator: The basic badge reduced in size is placed on and entirely encircled by a closed laurel wreath all of silver colored metal 1 inch in height overall. The areas between the wreath and the basic badge are pierced.
d. Shift Supervisor: The design of the Shift Supervisor Badge is the same as the First Class Operator Badge, except it is gold colored metal.
II. SYMBOLISM: The square (cube) is used to represent a nuclear reactor, the two bars representing control rods and thus alluding to nuclear reactor operations. The disc is symbolic of completeness and refers to the knowledge and training required of all nuclear reactor operators. The disc is also a symbol of the sun, the source of all energy and power. The symbol of the planet Uranus from which the term "uranium" is derived refers to nuclear energy and power. Addition of the laurel wreaths signifies further achievement and qualification. The gold color for the shift supervisor signifies the highest degree of achievement and qualification.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: This badge is no longer awarded. To qualify for the basic badge, personnel must have completed a Nuclear Power Plant Operators Course established by AR 350-224 and be able to operate systems of nuclear reactors under the supervision of a certified reactor operator. The Second Class Badge required completion of 15 shifts on a specific nuclear power plant or research reactor. To qualify as a first class operator, the individual must have completed 30 shifts as a trainee first class operator and complete a written examination covering all aspects of operations. The qualifications for shift supervisor required completion of at least 80 shifts as a first class operator and 40 shifts as a trainee shift supervisor, in addition to the written examination.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The badges were approved by the Department of the Army on 18 June 1965.
V. SUBDUED BADGES: Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth. The metal badges are black except the Shift Supervisor Badge, which is brown enamel. The cloth badges are of an olive green base cloth with the disc and extended bars olive drab for all badges. The wreath, square, and device on disc are black for all badges except the Shift Supervisor Badge that is brown.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: Dress miniature badges for all designs are authorized. The dress miniature badges are 3/4 inch wide.
Ranger Tab
I. DESCRIPTION: The ranger qualification tab is for wear on the Army green uniform. It is 2 3/8 inches wide with a black embroidered background and yellow embroidered border and letters. A subdued version with olive drab background and border and black letters is authorized for work uniforms.
II. SYMBOLISM: The colors of the tab were selected to perpetuate a previously authorized ranger shoulder sleeve insignia which was diamond shaped with a deep blue background with yellow border and letters.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: a. The Commandant of the U.S. Army Infantry School may award the Ranger Tab to any person who successfully completed a Ranger Course conducted by that school.
b. The Commander, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) and the Commander, U.S. Total Army Reserve Personnel Center (AR-PERSCOM) may award the Ranger Tab to any person who was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge while serving during World War II as a member of a Ranger Battalion (1st Bn 6th Bn inclusive) or in the 5307th Composite Unit, Provisional (Merrills Maurauders);to any person who was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge while serving during the Korean Conflict with the 8th Army Ranger Company (11 October 1950 to 27 March 1951); or to any person who successfully completed a Ranger Course conducted by the Ranger Training Command at Fort Benning, GA.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The cloth tab was approved by HQDA on 6 November 1950. Authorization to wear the tab was included in Change 2, AR 600-70, dated 23 January 1953. On 25 November 1984, the Army Chief of Staff approved a metal replica of the embroidered tab for wear on the dress mess uniforms.
V. SUBDUED TAB: The subdued tab is embroidered with olive drab background and border with black letters. The tab is not authorized in subdued metal.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: The metal badge authorized for wear on the Army blue or white uniform and green shirt is 1 5/32 inches wide with a black enameled background and gold letters and border. The dress miniature for wear on the mess/dress uniforms is 13/16 inch wide.
Special Forces Tab
I. DESCRIPTION: The Special Forces qualification tab is for wear on the Army green uniform is 3 1/4 inches wide with a teal blue embroidered background and border and yellow embroidered letters. A subdued version with olive drab background and borders and black letters is authorized for work uniforms. A metal Special Forces Badge is authorized for wear on the mess/dress uniforms and green shirt.
II. SYMBOLISM: The colors of the tab are the same colors as the shoulder sleeve insignia authorized for Special Forces Groups.
III. AWARD ELIGIBILITY: a. The Commander, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center (USAJFKSWC), Fort Bragg, NC 28307-5000, may award the Special Forces Tab to any individual who has successfully completed the Special Forces Qualification Course or the Special Forces Officer Course.
b. The Special Forces Tab may be awarded to any person on active duty, active status in the Reserve Components, in retired status, or honorably discharged who meets the appropriate criteria listed in AR 600-8-22.
IV. DATE APPROVED: The cloth tab was approved by the Armys Chief of Staff on 17 June 1983, based on a request from the Commander of USAJFKSWC. Criteria, wear policy and authorization to wear the tab was announced in DA Message 061300Z, October 1983, Subject: Special Forces Tab. On 25 November 1984, the Army Chief of Staff approved a metal replica of the embroidered tab for wear on the mess/dress uniforms.
V. SUBDUED TAB: The subdued tab is embroidered with olive drab background and border with black letters. The tab is not authorized in subdued metal.
VI. MINIATURE BADGES: The metal badge authorized for wear on the Army blue or white uniform and green shirt is 1 9/16 inches wide with a teal blue enameled background and gold letters and border. The dress miniature for wear on the mess/dress uniforms is 1 inch wide.
Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
1. Description: A silver color metal badge 2 inches in width and 1 15/32 inches in height, consisting of an inverted open laurel wreath surmounted by a representation of the front elevation of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the upper section containing the three figures of Peace, Victory, and Valor, the base bearing in two lines the words "HONOR GUARD", all in low relief.
2. Eligibility: a. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge will be authorized by the Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion (Reinforced), 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), for wear by each member of the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, during their assignment to that duty.
b. Effective 17 Dec 1963, the Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry, may authorize the wearing of the badge as a permanent part of the uniform for personnel who have served honorably for a minimum of 9 months, which need not be continuous, as a member of the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and who are recommended by the Commanding Officer, Honor Guard Company, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry.
c. Complete criteria for this Identification Badge may be found in AR 600-8-22.
3. Date Approved: The Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification badge was established on 9 Sep 1957, by the Honorable Wilbur Brucker, Secretary of the Army.
4. Subdued Badge: Subdued badges are authorized in cloth. The cloth badge has olive green base cloth with the badge in black and olive green embroidery.
U.S. Army Recruiter
1. Description: A silver or gold color metal device 2 1/8 inches (5.40cm) in height overall consisting of a circular band inscribed, between two narrow green enamel borders, with the words "U.S. ARMY" on the left and "RECRUITER" on the right, in silver letters, reading clockwise and at bottom center three five-pointed stars; perched upon the inside edge of the band at bottom center an eagle looking to its right its wings raised vertically and extended over the top of the band and supported between its wings diagonally from lower left to upper right a flaming torch with both ends extended outside the band.
2. Symbolism: The circular band alludes to the continuous need of the Army for young men of quality in its rank. The eagle stands for federal authority and the upraised wings and flaming torch refer to the many opportunities for advancement through education and training offered by the modern Army.
3. Background: The Recruiter Badge was originally approved by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel on 7 Nov 1966. The badge design changed and the modification was approved again by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel on 1 Oct 1974. In 1975, the badge was modified to make the stars detachable. The Department of the Army approved a reduced size of the Recruiter Badge and addition of a sapphire star for the gold Recruiter Badge was approved Sep 1981.
3. Award Eligibility: a. The Basic Recruiter Badge is authorized for wear by military personnel assigned or attached to the U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) as designated by the CG, USAREC, in approved supplementation of the AR 600-8-22.
(1) Authority for the temporary wear of the Basic Recruiter Badge for designated personnel as a uniform item will be announced by CG, USAREC.
(2) Authority for permanent wear of the Basic Recruiter Badge for eligible personnel as a permanent part of the uniform will be announced by memorandum issued by the Commandant, Recruiting and Retention School as authorized by the CG, USAREC.
(3) One, two or three gold achievement stars may be awarded to eligible personnel meeting the criteria established for each achievement star by the CG, USAREC. The stars will be affixed to the basic badge.
b. The U.S. Army Gold Recruiter Badge is authorized for wear by eligible personnel meeting the criteria established by the CG, USAREC.
(1) One, two or three sapphire achievement stars may be awarded to eligible personnel meeting the criteria established for each achievement star by the CG, USAREC. The stars will be affixed to the gold badge.
(2) Authority for permanent wear of the Gold Recruiter Badge, with or without sapphire achievement stars, for eligible personnel as a permanent part of the uniform will be announced by memorandum issued by recruiting battalion commanders authorized by the CG, USAREC.
c. The CG, USAREC, is delegated authority to revoke award of either of the recruiter badges.
4. Subdued Badges: a. Silver: A subdued badge is authorized. The cloth badges are of an olive green base cloth with the band embroidered olive drab. The borders, scroll, letters, stars, eagle and torch are embroidered black.
b. Gold: A subdued badge is authorized. The cloth badges are of a black base cloth with the band and letters embroidered black. The borders, eagle, torch and stars are embroidered olive drab. The scroll is embroidered spruce green.
Career Counselor Badge
1. Description: An oxidized silver badge 1 7/8 inches in height overall consisting of an eagle with raised and outstretched wings standing upon, at the point of the intersection, the shaft of a spear to the left and the barrel of a musket with fixed bayonet to the right, weapons terminated just below the point of crossing, and all enclosed by a horizontal oval-shaped frame, its lower half consisting of a scroll inscribed with the words "CAREER COUNSELOR" in raised letters, the upper half composed of two olive branches issuing from the ends of the scroll at either side and passing behind the eagle's wing tips, meeting at top center; all areas between the eagle, spear and musket and the frame are pierced.
2. Symbolism: The spear and musket from the seal of the Department of the Army symbolize the role of the Army in national defense and the many specialized requirements served by the activities of the Career Counselor. The eagle is a national emblem and the branches of olive suggest service in peacetime as well as in war.
3. Award Eligibility: a.
Authorized for wear by enlisted personnel assigned to authorized duty positions which require PMOS 79S (Career Counselor). Officers are authorized to wear the badge if they held an authorized retention PMOS and met the criteria in paragraph d1 below while in an enlisted status.
b. The award is retroactive to 1 Jan 1972 for soldiers who currently hold PMOS 79S or previously held PMOS 79D or PMOS OOR (Retention NCO) or PMOS OOE (In-Service Recruiter/Transition NCOI RC Career Counselor) and meet the criteria or permanent award outlined below.
c. Authorization of the badge as a uniform item will be announced by commanders of units of battalion size or larger. Temporary wear of the badge is authorized for soldiers who meet one of the following requirements:
(1) Served less than 12 months as PMOS 79S Career Counselor since graduation from the Army Retention Course.
(2) Served less that 12 months as Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Career Counselor (PMOS 79S).
(3) Serve as Army Reserve Reenlistment NCO according to paragraph f1 below.
d. Permanent wear of the badge is authorized for soldiers who meet one of the following requirements:
(1) For Regular Army, successfully completes 12 months as PMOS 79S Career Counselor since graduation from the resident Army Retention Course.
(2) For USAR or ARNG, successfully completes formal resident training and 12 months in a primary duty MTOE/TDA retention coded position (PMOS 79S or other previously assigned retention MOS).
(3) Soldiers, whether RA, USAR or ARNG, who have been awarded a secondary MOS of 79S as a result of formal resident training and have performed duties as a Career Counselor in a valid MTOE or TDA 79S position for a period of 12 consecutive months.
e. Commanders in the rank of Colonel or higher may authorize the wear of the Career Counselor Badge as a permanent part of the uniform for qualified enlisted personnel, MOS 79S who honorably complete the probationary period listed above. Cite this paragraph as authority. DA Form 7347 (Career Counselor Badge Recognition) will be presented to qualified recipients. Soldiers relieved from Career Counselor duties according to Appendix B of AR 601-280, will have authority to wear the badge withdrawn.
f. The Career Counselor Badge may be authorized by the Commanding Generals of Army General Officer Commands and the Commander, AR-PERSCOM, for wear by enlisted members of the Army Reserve who have successfully completed either the resident or nonresident Reserve Component Recruiting Course and have been designated as U.S. Army reserve Reenlistment NCO. Authorization of the badge as a uniform item will be announced by the Commanding Generals of the Army Reserve General Officer Command or the Commander, AR-PERSCOM, upon recommendation by unit commanders. Recommendations will be processed through normal command channels. The badge is authorized for temporary wear only and will be withdrawn when the awardee ceases to be a designated U.S. Army Reserve Reenlistment NCO.
4. Date Approved: The Career Counselor badge was established Oct 1971.
5. Subdued Badge: Subdued badges are authorized in cloth only. The cloth badge has an olive green base cloth with the eagle, lightning, spear, letters and border of scroll embroidered in black. The laurel wreath and background of the scroll embroidered olive drab.
6. Miniature Badge: A miniature badge 1 3/8 inches in height overall is authorized.