Enter the SECOND FOUR (or remaining) DIGITS ONLY
Enter the veteran's FIRST FOUR DIGITS ONLY (Do Not enter any alphabet letters. Numbers only. )
Enter the SECOND FOUR (or remaining) DIGITS ONLY
Overseas Mission:
Please select...
United Nations Truce Supervisory Org in Palestine
United Nations Observer Group in India & Pakistan
United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia
United Nations Operations in Somalia
United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia
United Nations Iraq/Kuwait Observation Group
United Nations Mission in Haiti
United Nations Mission in Special Service
United Nations Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Other area:
If you are sending a Check or Money Order please indicate:
CHARGE or DEBIT CARD applicants:
-- My current Card information is already on file from a previous Application
If your Card information is not on file, please Complete the following...
International shipping cost (U.S. veteran living outside the United States, please add the shipping cost you were quoted...
I want to purchase the Full Color...
PDF emailed (full color, printable) ($7.50) (No shipping fee)
Document shipped ($24.77)... Document only with wallet card ($30.77)
Document shipped in Bond Enclosure ($29.77)... Document in Bond Enclosure with wallet card ($35.77)
(The shipping totals above include the USPS - Priority Mail shipping fee)
Would you like an archive (black&white) copy of the Certificate you are applying for to be mailed from the Records Chief directly to your Commanding Officer -or- to your Employer -or- to your School Administrator for inclusion into your permanent personnel file jacket? (Fee: $3.77) Available only when a published certificate is requested. Not available with emailed certificates.
No. Yes, please mail an embossed, B&W copy of my Certificate to the following person and address:
Official's name
Official's Title
Official's Agency Name (name of unit, vessel, office, school, etc.)
City, State, Zip
Would you like a published copy of My Military Medal Last Will And Testament ?
No, I will obtain the free jpg copy
Yes, please include a Medal Will for a MALE heir of my Awards and add $4.00 to my total
Yes, please include a Medal Will for a FEMALE heir of my Awards and add $4.00 to my total
Would you like to track your package through the United States Post Office after it has been shipped (for twenty [.20] cents extra)?
Yes, add 20 cents to my total
No, I don't want to track my package
Ignore this final Question if you will EMAIL or have previously EMAILED a copy your DD-214...
Would you like your mailed DD-214 scanned by The War Library and integrated into your 201A Award Report that will be emailed to you when your requested item(s) are sent to you? The scanning fee is $3.00 (a one-time fee)
Yes, add a one-time $3.00 to my total to Scan and Integrate my DD-214 into my Award Report
No, I will accept my Award Report without my DD-214 appearing in the Report
Your Application Form is now complete. After clicking the button below to send this Form you will soon receive a confirmation email containing final instructions on which items, if any, are needed to fulfill your request. Your DD-214 can be mailed or emailed. Non-personalized items such as hardwear may be exchanged or returned within ten days of delivery.