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06 January 2021 NatSec Event, Insurrection [o-010621b]
06 January 2021 Joint Chiefs of Staff [o-010621]
11 September 2001 NatSec Alert [o-911]
10th Anniversary, Korean War
10th Anniversary, Persian Gulf War
10th Anniversary, Vietnam War
20th Anniversary, Korean War
20th Anniversary, Persian Gulf War
20th Anniversary, Vietnam War
22 November 1963 NatSec Alert [o-jfk]
30th Anniversary, Korean War
30th Anniversary, Vietnam War
40th Anniversary, Korean War
40th Anniversary, Vietnam War
50th Anniversary, Korean War
50th Anniversary, Vietnam War
60th Anniversary, Korean War
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Please select Events A through D...
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Able Archer 83 [ablearch]
A Shau Valley (Battle, Vietnam) [ashau]
OP Atlanta, Vietnam [atlanta]
OP Avalanche (Battle of Salerno) [salerno]
Afghanistan President Najibullah is ousted [nsa-najib]
Americans stopped from inspecting Iraq [nsa-iqnoar]
Assassination attempt in Georgia [nsa-tbili]
Action Against Castro Authorized [o-cscas]
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani re-elected President of Iran Svc Period [nsa-akbar]
Al-Fatah leader Yasser Arafat takes over as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization Svc Period [arafat]
Allied fighter jets launch bombing raids in Iraq Svc Period [nsa-iraqbom]
Armed Zulus demonstrate in Johannesburg Svc Period [nsa-zuludem]
Abrupt Soviet Change of Power Svc Period [yelput]
America detonates last above-ground nuclear bomb Svc Period [lastbomb]
Anvil (WW2) [o-anvil]
Argonne Sector Combat Campaign, WW1
Assault Landing, by Air
Assault Landing, by Water
Atlas Wedge (Vietnam)
Air Strikes Against Iraq [o-airir]
Ardennes Combat Campaign Svc, WW2
Apollo Moon Landing Svc Period [apollo11]
Australia and New Zealand Leave Vietnam
Allies Declares Plan to Shootdown Iraqi Jets Svc Period [nsa-shtdwn]
America To Pre-empt Iraq Attacks Svc Period [nsa-clibus]
OP Able Sentry [o-ablesent]
OP Ajax (Iran) [o-ajax]
OP Allen Brook (V'nam)
OP Allied Force (Kosovo) [o-allied]
NSA: Alliance for Progress in Latin America Svc Period [o-allianc]
NSA: Americans Enter Combat, WW1 Svc Period [o-entercomb]
OP Apache Snow Svc Period (V'nam) [o-apache]
OP Arc Light Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Ardmore (V'nam) [o-ardmore]
OP Argument (AAC)
OP Atlantic Resolve Svc Period [o-atlanticresolv]
OP Atlas Wedge (V'nam) [o-atlaswedge]
OP Attleboro (V'nam)
OP Attleboro Svc Period (V'nam)
Anzio (Operation Shingle) [anzio]
NSA: Afghanistan declares Osama bin Laden "a man without a sin" Svc Period [nsa-obla]
NSA: Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign the Lusaka Protocol Svc Period [nsa-lusa]
NSA: Assassination attempt on Uday Hussein Svc Period [nsa-uday]
NSA: Assassination attempt on Charles DeGaulle Svc Period [o-degaull]
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Burundi Elects new leader, Ndadaye [nsa-rundi]
B52's Begin Carpet Bombing In Eastern Cambodia Svc Period [cambomb]
Belgian government of Jean-Luc Dehaene resigns Svc Period [nsa-dehae]
OP Bold Mariner Svc Period [boldmarn]
Bill Clinton wins US presidential election Svc Period [nsa-clielec]
Boris Yeltsin declares state of emergency Svc Period [nsa-moscale]
Bosnian Army launches attack on Kravica Svc Period [nsa-kravica]
OP Barrel Roll
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Con Thien [conthien]
OP Battle Griffin [o-griffin]
OP Belt Drive (V'nam)
OP Birmingham (V'nam)
OP Birmingham Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Blacklist [o-blacklst]
OP Bolo
OP Bolo Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Buffalo Svc Period (V'nam)
NSE: The Bangkok Declaration Svc Period [o-bangkok]
Barrel Roll (V'nam)
Battle of A Shau (V'nam)
Battle of Ba Gia Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Ban Houei Sane Svc Period (V'nam) [o-banhouei]
Battle of B
inh Gia Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Bloddy Ridge (Korea)
Battle of Chan La Svc Period (V'nam) [o-chanla]
Battle of Chipyong-Ni (Korea)
Battle of Chochiwon (Korea)
Battle of Chosin Reservoir (Korea)
Battle of Coral-Balmoral
Svc Period (V'nam) [o-coralbalmoral]
Battle of Coral Sea
Svc Period (WW2) [o-coralbalmoral]
Battle of Czechoslovakia, Warsaw Pact Invasion Svc Period
Battle of Dak To
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Friendship Seven Orbit Svc Period [o-friend7]
Battle of FSB Mary Ann
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of FSB Ripcord Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Ft Sumter (CivWar) [o-ftsumter]
Battle of Go Cong Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Hadong (Korea)
Battle of Hamburger Hill
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Heartbreak Ridge (Korea)
Battle of Hiep Hoa (USA)
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Hill Eerie Svc Period (Korea)
Battle of Hill 881 Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Hue Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Huengsong (Korea)
Battle of July Two Svc Period (V'nam) [o-july]
Battle of Kasserine Pass (WW2) [o-kasser]
Battle of Kham Duc Svc Period (V'nam) [o-kham]
Battle of Khe Sanh
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Kontum Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Kum River (Korea)
Battle of Kumson River Salient (Korea)
Battle of Kunu-Ri (Korea)
Battle of Lang Vei Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Lima Site 85 Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Loc Ninh
Svc Period (V'nam) [v-locninh]
Battle of Long Tan
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Maktong Breakout (Korea)
Battle of Nam Dong
Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Ong Thanh Svc Period (V'nam) [o-ong]
Battle of Outpost Harry (Korea)
Battle of Pusan Perimeter (Korea)
Battle of Seoul (Korea)
Battle of Snoul Svc Period (V'nam) [v-snoul]
Battle of Song Be Svc Period (V'nam)
Battle of Soyang River (Korea)
Battle of Taejon (Korea)
Battle of Tam Ky (Tam Ky, Vietnam)
Battle of The Hook (Korea)
Battle of Triangle Hill (Korea) [triang]
Battle of Truong Sa Svc Period (V'nam) [truong]
Battle of Unsan (Korea)
Battle of Xa Cam My
Svc Period (V'nam) [xacam]
Bay of Pigs National Security Alert [cuba-baypigs]
Beirut Terrorist Attack Svc Period
Beirut, Lebanon
Berlin Airlift
Berlin Airlift Crises Era Service
Birmingham (V'nam)
Kent State, 1970 [o-kent]
NSA: Belarus military shoots down balloon killing two American pilots Svc Period [nsa-belar]
NSA: Belgium ends military conscription Svc Period [nsa-belg]
NSA: Beni-Ali massacre in Algeria Svc Period [nsa-benal]
NSA: Benjamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat reach "land for peace" agreement Svc Period [nsa-lanpe]
OP: Bengazi Libya [o-bengazi]
Benjamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat reach "land for peace" agreement Svc Period [o-lanpe]
NSA: Bill Clinton signs Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Svc Period [nsa-cntb]
NSA: Bomb explodes at Atlanta Olympic Park Svc Period [nsa-olyat]
NSA: Bomb explodes in Moscow Svc Period [nsa-bomex]
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The Chosin Reservoir Svc Period [chosin]
NSE: Castro asks Khruschev to initiate a nuclear strike on the US fleet Svc Period [caskhru]
NSE: Castro declares Cuba a Communist state Svc Period [o-fidel]
Caspar Weinberger indicted on Iran-contra charge Svc Period [nsa-casind]
Charles Taylor launches offensive against Monrovia Svc Period [nsa-taylor]
OP Carentan Svc Period (V'nam) [o-carentan]
OP Cedar Falls
Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Champagne Svc Period (V'nam) [o-champgn]
OP Charlie Svc Period (V'nam) [o-charlie]
OP Chopper Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Cimarron (V'nam) [o-cimmaron]
OP Clarion (AAC)
OP Cobra (AAC)
OP Cobra Gold
OP Colorado (V'nam)
OP Commando Hunt
Svc Period (V'nam) [o-comhunt]
OP Continue Hope Svc Period (Somalia) [o-conthope]
OP Cornflakes (AAC)
OP County Fair Svc Period (V'nam) [o-countyfr]
OP Crimp
Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Crossroads Nuclear Tests, Bikini Atoll 1946 [bikin]
OP Cumberland Svc Period (V'nam) [o-cumber]
Cambodia Incursion [o-caminv]
Cambodian King Restored Svc Period [nsa-cambor]
Central Europe Combat Campaign Svc, WW2
Checkpoint Charlie Standoff Svc Period [o-checkpt]
China Conducts Nuclear Test Svc Period [nsa-pleach]
China Conducts Nuclear Test, 10/16/1964 Svc Period [o-chinabomb]
China Defies Nuclear Test Ban Svc Period [o-chinalrt]
Clinton Institutes 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Svc Period [nsa-cligay]
Che Guevarra Returns to Cuba Svc Period [o-cherem]
China in Space Svc Period [o-szhen]
China Agrees to Help North Vietnam Svc Period
Chinese Embassy Bombed Svc Period [o-chibel]
Cuban Missile Crises
Cuban Readiness Force [cuba-mongoose]
Cuban Revolution Svc Period
Czechoslovakia, Warsaw Pact Invasion
Czechoslovakia Divides Svc Period [o-czdiv]
NSA: Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993 comes into force Svc Period [nsa-cwc]
NSA: Crude oil prices rise under UN Resolution 986 Svc Period [nsa-un986]
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NSA: Dayton Agreement is signed Svc Period [nsa-daygr]
Exercise Dawn Blitz (Steel Night) Svc Period [steelnit]
NSA: Dairat Labguer massacre in Algeria Svc Period [nsa-cair]
OP Daring Rebel Svc Period [darrebl]
OP Dawn Patrol [o-dawnpatl]
Deadline for Israeli troop withdrawal from Gaza Svc Period [nsa-gazaded]
Death of Che Guevarra Svc Period [o-che]
Death Of Mao Tse Tung (Cold War) [nsa-mao]
Death of Osama bin Laden, Named version [obl]
Death of Osama bin Laden, Un-named version [obl]
NSA: Death of Josef Stalin Svc Period [o-stalin]
NSA: Death of Kim Il-Sung Svc Period [o-kimsung]
OP Dauntless (Korea) [o-daunt]
OP Deckhouse Svc Period (V'nam) [o-deckhouse]
OP Deckhouse Five Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Declaration of War, WW1 Svc Period [o-declarww1]
OP Delaware Svc Period (V'nam) [o-delaware]
OP Desert Fox Svc Period [o-desertfx]
OP Desert Shield Svc Period [o-desertshield]
OP Desert Spring Svc Period [o-desertspring]
OP Desert Storm Svc Period [o-desertstorm]
OP Desert Strike Svc Period [o-desertstik]
OP Desert Thunder Svc Period [o-deserthund]
NSE: Russia and China De-Target Their Nukes Svc Period (detarget)
OP Determined Response Svc Period [o-determinerespon]
OP Dewey Canyon Svc Period (V'nam)
December 7th 1941 Svc Period [o-pearl]
OP Deny Flight Svc Period [o-denyflight]
Deep Freeze Svc Period [o-deepfrz]
Doolitttle Raid Svc Period [o-dool]
OP Doughnut (Batlle of Hill's 682/717) Svc Period [o-doughnut]
OP Dragon Rouge (V'nam) Svc Period [o-dragroug]
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Please select Events E through G...
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El Salvador peace accords signed [nsa-elsav]
Equador and Peru border conflict [nsa-peruec]
Exercise Eager Lion (Jordan) [o-eagerlio]
European Economic Community sets up free trade zone Svc Period [nsa-fretrad]
Eagle Claw Readiness (Desert One)
Eagle Pull
Easter Offensive Svc Period (V'nam) [o-easter]
Egyptian Coup, 1950 Svc Period [o-nassar]
Egyptian Blockade of Straits of Tiran Svc Period [o-egyptblock]
OP El Dorado Svc Period (Vnam) [o-eldorado]
El Dorado Canyon (Libya)
NSA: End of Cold War Svc Period [o-coldend]
End Sweep Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Enhance Plus
Svc Period (V'nam) [o-enhance]
Enduring Freedom Svc Period [o-enduringfree]
Enemy Forces Deteriorating in Vietnam [nsa-deterior]
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OP Francis Marion Svc Period [o-franmari]
France withdraws from NATO Svc Period [o-francewith]
France violates nuclear test ban Svc Period [o-francenuc]
Exercise Forest Light [o-forestlt]
France Ends Nuclear Testing Svc Period [nsa-franuk]
Failed bomb attack on Egyptian premier Atef Sedki Svc Period [nsa-atef]
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is proclaimed Svc Period [o-yugob]
Five people shot outside CIA headquarters Svc Period [nsa-ciashot]
Fourth Republic of Ghana is inaugurated Svc Period [o-gharawl]
OP Fargo Svc Period (V'nam) [o-fargo]
OP Fairfax Svc Period (WW2) [o-fairfax]
OP Forager Svc Period (WW2) [o-forager]
OP Freedom Deal Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Freedom Train / Linebacker I Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Fremont (V'nam)
Fall of the Soviet Union [o-fallsoviet]
First Battle of Saigon Svc Period (V'nam) [saigon]
First Landmine Treaty Signed Svc Period [o-landmin]
Four-Power Agreement on Berlin
Frequent Wind, Participation (V'nam)
Frequent Wind, Service Period Era
Friendship Seven Orbit Svc Period
NSA: FBI arrests Timothy McVeigh Svc Period [nsa-tmcv]
NSA: First Palestinian parliament formed Svc Period [nsa-palpar]
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Guadalcanal Combat Campaign -guadal]
Ghana install new President [nsa-gharawl]
OP Gonzo 5-80 Svc Period [o-gonzo]
NSE: John Glenn orbits Earth Svc Period [o-glenn]
Gen Sani Abacha leads a military coup in Nigeria Svc Period [nsa-sani]
General Ibrahim Babangida annuls presidential election Svc Period [nsa-ibrah]
General Omar al-Bashir appointed Sudan president Svc Period [nsa-bashir]
Georgian Airlines Tu-154 is shot down Svc Period [nsa-tu15]
OP Galvanic (WW2 Asia)
OP Grand Slam (AAC)
OP Granite, WW2 Svc Period [o-granite]
Ghana Elects a US-Friendly Leader Svc Period [nsa-ghraw]
Guam Service
Gulf of Tonkin Crises Period
NSA: German Bundestag officially elects Helmut Kohl Svc Period [nsa-kohl]
NSA: Gunmen ambush Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Svc Period [nsa-hosni]
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Please select Events H through K...
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Battle of Hill 355 (Korea) [hill355]
Death of Ho Chi Minh Svc Period [hochi]
US launches offensive in South Vietnam against Hill 937 (Hamburger Hill) Svc Period [hill937]
Haitians attempt to enter US [nsa-cghat]
NSA: In Hanio a high-level delgations form the USS epresses unity with N. Vietnam Svc Period [sovnam]
Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani deposes his father Svc Period [nsa-hamad]
NSA: Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani deposes his father Svc Period [o-hamad]
NSE: Hezbolla leader Musawi assassinatied Svc Period [nsa-abbas]
NSE: Hebron Peace Agreement Svc Period [o-hebron]
Helsinki Accord (Cold War) [o-helsinki]
OP Hastings Svc Period (V'nam) [o-hastings]
OP Hawthorne Svc Period (V'nam) [o-hawth]
OP Hickory (V'nam) [o-hickory]
NSE: Hotline: US and USSR establish driect commo link Svc Period [o-hotline]
NSE: Hong Kong: Britain Transfer HK to China Svc Period [o-hongkong]
OP Hood River, Vietnam [hoodrivr]
OP Husky [o-WW2]
NSA: House of Representatives details China's nuclear espionage against the US Svc Period [nsa-cox]
Hurricane Andrew Svc Period [o-andrew]
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Idi Amin Coup takes control in Uganda [nsa-idi]
Iraq re-admits weaponsinspectors [nsa-resiq]
Israel Asserts control Over Hormuz [nsa-maleki]
Ia Drang, Battle Svc Period [iadrang]
NSA: Iraq demands end to sanctions, 1998 Svc Period [o-iqend]
NSE: Iran Hostage Crises Svc Period [o-iranhost]
Israel recognizes PLO as no longer criminal Svc Period [nsa-plorec]
Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip Svc Period [nsa-gazaout]
Israeli offensive against in Lebanon Svc Period [nsa-isleb]
Intl Arms Agreement Signed, 1993 Svc Period [nsa-arm1993]
Iraq Approves UN Inspectors Svc Period [nsa-iqinsp]
Initiation of Nuclear Defense Svc Period [o-nuclear]
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Course Training Completion
International Criminal Court Created Svc Period [o-intcri]
Iraqi Freedom Sve Period [o-iraqifree]
Iraq Campaign: Defense of Saudi Arabia
Iraq Campaign: Liberation and Defense of Kuwait
Iraq Campaign: Southwest Asia Ceasefire Campaign
Iraq Threatens Weapons Inspectors Svc Period [o-iqsdo]
Iraq Suspends Inspection Cooperation Svc Period [o-iqsusp]
Iron Triangle Service, Korea [o-iron-k]
Iron Triangle Service, Vietnam
NSA: Israel Invades Sanai Svc Period
NSA: India carries out two nuclear tests at Pokhran Svc Period [nsa-indnu]
NSA: International Criminal Tribunal indicts Slobodan Milolevic Svc Period [nsa-indict]
NSA: Iraq announces intention to fire upon US and British warplanes Svc Period [nsa-fireq]
NSA: Israel buries Yitzhak Rabin Svc Period [o-yrabin]
NSA: Israel and Palestine Sign Accord Svc Period [nsa-isaut]
NSA: Israel grants Jonathan Pollard citizenship Svc Period [nsa-plrd]
CLICK HERE to DESELECT selected items in this group
NSE: John Glenn orbits Earth Svc Period [o-glenn]
NSE: Jupiter MRMB Deployment Svc Period [o-jupiter]
President Johnson Orders A Complete Cessation Of Bombardment Of North Vietnam Svc Period [bombnam]
Jane Fonda Visits North Vietnam [o-jane]
Jiang Zemin appointed President of China Svc Period [nsa-jiang]
Jordan & Israeli end state of war Svc Period [nsa-jordis]
OP Jefferson Glenn
Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Joint Endeavor [o-jointendeav]
OP Joint Guard [o-jointguard]
OP Joint Guard begins [nsa-joingu]
OP Jult Two (V'nam)
OP Junction City Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Just Cause (Panama) [o-justcause]
NSA: Japan's worst nuclear accident northeast of Tokyo Svc Period [nsa-tokai]
NSA: Jurors sentence Timothy McVeigh to death Svc Period [nsa-mcvde]
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Battle of Kum Song (Korea) [kwmsong]
Kwajalein Combat Campaign [kwajal]
Korean War Memorial dedicate [nsa-korme]
NSE: Kennedy agrees not to invade Cuba; Kruschev removes missiles [c-kenru]
NSE: Kuwait: American sends troops to the Gulf Svc Period [o-kuw-buildup]
NSA: Kurdistan: Iraq attack alerts US Svc Period [o-kurd]
NSA: Exercise Keen Sword [o-keensword]
Hurricane Katrina Svc Period [o-katrina]
Korea flight KAL-007 intercepted Svc Period [o-kal007]
Kim Il-sung, refuses to allow International -Atomic Energy Agency access Svc Period [nsa-kimno]
King Azlan Shah of Malaysia resigns Svc Period [nsa-azlan]
OP Kingfisher (V'nam) [o-kingfish]
NSA: Kremlin Accords Signed Svc Period [nsa-kcords]
NES: Kremlin Constitutional Crises Svc Period [o-russcrises]
Kargil War Begins Svc Period [o-kargil]
Korean War Armistice, 1953 [ceasefirekor]
Kurds Respond to Leader's Capture Svc Period [o-ocala]
Kuwait Invasion, 1990 [o-kuw-inv]
NSA: Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders killing Son Sen Svc Period [nsa-ppot]
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Please select Events L through N...
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Last Russian troops leave Poland Svc Period [nsa-ruspola]
Libyan MIG-23UB attacks Boeing 727 Svc Period [nsa-lybmig]
Leyte Combat Campaign [leyte]
Luzon Battle Campaign, WW2 Svc Period [luzon]
OP Lam Son (V'nam)
OP Lancaster (V'nam)
OP Liberty (V'nam)
OP Liberty Canyon (V'nam)
Los Angeles Riots Svc Period [nsa-lariot]
Lon Nol Takes Power in Cambodia Svc Period [v-lonnol]
NSA: Last Russian soldiers leave Latvia Svc Period [nsa-lrsl]
NSA: Leaders of the Khmer Rouge apologize for the 1970s genocide Svc Period [o-khmap]
NSA: LGen Maurice Baril arrives in Africa to lead policing force Svc Period [nsa-baril]
NSA: LGenl Raoul Cedras resigns as dictator of Haiti Svc Period [nsa-cedras]
NSA: Last flight the Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" Svc Period [o-sr71]
OP Linebacker Svc Period (V'nam) [lineback]
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OP Mameluke Thrust (Vietnam) [mameluke]
Marshall Islands Combat Campaign [marshall]
Mariannas Combat Campaign [marianas]
Mercury Space Program
OP MacArthur Svc Period [macarth]
Sen Mike Mansfield reports US money poured into Vietnam for 7 years has accomplished nothing [mansfield]
Markale Massacre in Sarjevo [nsa-marks]
Mao Tse Tung reclaims power in China Sav Period [nsa-mao]
Midway, Battle of (WW2) [midway]
OP MacArthur (Vnam) [v-macarth]
Military coup by Burundi President Ndadaye Svc Period [nsa-burund]
Moshood Abiola becomes President of Nigeria Svc Period [o-abiola]
OP Macon (V'nam) Svc Period (V'nam) [v-macon]
OP Magic Carpet (WW2) Svc Period [o-magiccarp]
OP Magic Sword Svc Period [o-magicswrd]
EXERCISE Malabar Svc Period [malabar]
Malaya: Defense of Communism Svc Period [malaya]
OP Malheur Svc Period (V'nam) [v-malheur]
OP Maine Crag Svc Period [maine]
OP Manhattan Svc Period (V'nam) [v-manhattan]
Mansur: Clinton orders cruise missile attack Time
Svc Period (o-mansur)
OP Maritime Intercept Svc Period [o-maritinter]
OP Maritime Monitor Svc Period [o-maritimemon]
OP Market Garden (WW2) [o-markgard]
OP Market Time
Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Masher/White Wing Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Massachusetts Svc Period (V'nam) [v-massachu]
Mayaguez Incident Svc Period (V'nam) [v-mayag]
OP Medina Svc Period (V'nam) [v-medina]
NSA: Military coup in Sierra Leone Svc Period [o-sele]
Military Coup in Niger Svc Period [o-nigco]
OP Mississippi (V'nam) Svc Period [v-missippi]
OP Montana Raider Svc Period
OP Mongoose Svc Period [cuba-mongoose]
OP Mountain Storm Svc Period (Afghanistan) [o-mountstrm]
Middle East Peace Accords Signed Svc Period [nsa-ratif]
OP Multiplex Svc Period [o-multiplex]
Muammar Gaddafi Overthrows Libya Monarchy Svc Period [o-gaddafi]
NSA: Mogadishu: UN Lands Svc Period [o-mogadish]
NSA: Mortar attack on the US Embassy in Athens Greece Svc Period [nsa-athens]
NSA: Mossad agents assassinate Islamic Jihad leader Svc Period [nsa-fathi]
OP Muscatine Svc Period (V'nam) [v-muscatine]
My Lai Massacre Svc Period
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Nagorno-Karababk War Atrocity [nsa-nagor]
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Svc Period [prolif]
Richard Nixon Is Chosen As The Republican Party's Presidential Candidate Svc Period [cambomb]
North Korea agrees to work with UN [nsa-kiaea]
NSA: Nigeria: Change of power Svc Period [nsa-nigerb]
Battle of Nhi Bihn Svc Period [v-nhibihn]
OP Napoleon Svc Period [v-napol]
NSE: North Korea begins nuclear program Svc Period [o-kormisl]
NSE: North Korea invades Svc Period [o-korinv]
NSE: North Korea refuses UN inspections Svc Period [o-korefusal]
Nelson Mandela and F W de Klerk awarded Nobel Peace Prize Svc Period [nsa-mankle]
Nelson Mandela halts talks with govt of South Africa Svc Period [nsa-negot]
Nixon Doctrine Announced [nsa-nixdoct]
North Yemenite troops occupy Aden Svc Period [nsa-adenoc]
OP New Arrivals (Vietnam)
OP New Dawn Svc Period (Iraq) [o-newdawn]
OP New NATO members, 1999 Svc Period [o-hpcnat]
OP New Life Svc Period (Vietnam) [o-newlife]
OP Noble Eagle (Terror) Svc Period [o-nobleeag]
OP Northern Watch (Persian Gulf)
Nato Action Over Bosina-Herzegovinia Svc Period [nsa-bosnt]
New European Union Svc Period [nsa-eu]
NATO Strikes Serbia Svc Period [o-natosr]
NATO Strikes Yugoslavia Svc Period [o-natoyu]
NatSec Alert Status, 11 Sept 2001
NatSec Alert Status, Baghdad Pact, METO Establishment [o-baghdad]
NatSec Alert Status, Declaration of War 7 Dec 1941
NatSec Alert Status, Fall of Dien Bien Phu
NatSec Alert Status, Egyptian Coup
NatSec Alert Status, Kennedy Assassination
NatSec Alert Status, Korean Invasion, 25 Jun 1950
NatSec Alert Status, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Creation
NatSec Alert Status, Warsaw Pact Creation [nsa-warsaw]
New Life (V'nam, Cambodia)
NSE: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 1968 Svc Period [o-nonprolif]
NSE: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Extended 1995 Svc Period [o-nonprolifextend]
Nuclear Test Ratification Defeated Svc Period [re1996]
New York, World War One
Northern France Combat Campaign Svc, WW2
NSA: NATO begins peacekeeping in Bosnia Svc Period [nsa-natbo]
NSA: NATO launches Operation Deliberate Force Svc Period [nsa-delfo]
NSA: North Korea launches its first satellite Svc Period [nsa-nklau]
NSA: North Korea signs pact to end their nuclear projects Svc Period [o-nknuc]
NSA:Norodom Sihanouk regains power in Cambodia Svc Period [o-sihanouk]
OP Northern Watch Svc Period [o-norwatch]
CLICK HERE to DESELECT selected items in this group
Please select Events O through R...
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Lee Harvey Oswald returns to the US [oswald]
OP Oklahoma Hills Svc Period [oklahom]
Open Skies Treaty: Prohibition against targeting aircraft [nsa-opsky]
Op Ocean Venture Svc Period [o-oceanvent]
Op Osceola Svc Period [o-ocseola]
NSE: Oklahoma City Terrorist Attack Svc Period [omurrah]
Op Oregon (Vietnam)
Exercise Orient Shield (Pacific) Svc Period [o-orientshld]
OP Oceola (V'nam)
OP Odyssey Dawn Svc Period (Libya) [o-odysydawn]
Ordeal of Old Baldy Svc Period (Korea) [o-oldbady]
NSA: Osama bin Laden declares Jihad Svc Period [o-osamajih]
NSA: Osama bin Laden published his Fatwa Svc Period [o-ofatwa]
Oslo Accords Svc Period [o-oslo]
OverFlight (U2 Crises)
Overlord (WW2)
NSA: Omaria massacre in Algeria Svc Period [nsa-omari]
NSA: Operation Joint Guardian begins Svc Period [nsa-guardianshield]
NSA: Operation Storm begins in Croatia Svc Period [nsa-opstrm]
NSA: Organization for Security and Cooperation calls for political settlement in Chechnya Svc Period [nsa-osce]
CLICK HERE to DESELECT selected items in this group
Pakistan President Natvien forced to resign [nsa-rahmo]
Panama's Ex-leader Noriega convicted [nsa-norcon]
In Panama a military coup overthrows the democratically-elected government of President Arnulfo Arias Svc Period [pancoup]
PLO gets West Bank [nsa-westba]
President of Algeria is Assassinated [nsa-boudi]
OPTION>NSE: Partial test ban treaty Svc Period [partial]
Pakistan's Faruk Leghari elected president Svc Period [nsa-faruk]
OP Patch-Up Svc Period [o-patchup]
OP Pershing Svc Period (V'nam) [v-pershing]
PLO leader Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza Svc Period [o-araplo]
President Dawda Jawara flees Svc Period [nsa-dawda]
President Dobrica Cosic Yugoslavia flees Svc Period [nsa-cosic]
President George H W Bush pardons Caspar Weinberger Svc Period [nsa-caspard]
President Lucas Mangope of Bophuthatswana deposed Svc Period [nsa-mangope]
Prime Minister John Major announces creation of Iraqi no-fly zones Svc Period [nsa-noflyzo]
Puerto Rico votes against becoming US state Svc Period [nsa-prico]
OP Patio Svc Period (V'nam) [v-patio]
OP Pedro (Peter) Pan (Cold War, Cuba) [o-peter]
OP Pegasus (V'nam) Svc Period [v-pegasus]
OP Pierce Arrow Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Prairie Svc Period (V'nam)
President George HW Bush Targeted in Kuwait Svc Period [nsa-bushas]
Pakistan Declares Itself A Nuclear Power Svc Period [nsa-paknuk]
Panama Transfers to Panama Svc Period [o-canal]
Paris Peace Accords Svc Period [o-paris]
Pathet Lao Takeover (Cold War, Laos) [o-pathet]
Pierce Arrow
Pleiku Airbase Attack Svc Period (V'nam)
Pork Chop Hill Svc Period [o-pork]
President Clinton Signs Nuclear Test Ban Svc Period [o-testban]
President Johnson's Three Wise Men Svc Period [threewise]
President Richard Nixon Visits China Svc Period [o-nixchina]
Pueblo Crises Svc Period [o-pueblo]
NSA: Pakistan responds to Indian nuclear tests Svc Period [o-paknu]
NSA: Peace agreement signed between Government of Philippines and Moro National Liberation Front Svc Period [nsa-phimo]
NSA: Pentagon announces it monitored Iranian installation of surface-to-air Hawk missiles Svc Period [o-hormu]
NSA: Pervez Musharraf takes power in Pakistan Svc Period [nsa-pervez]
NSA: Philippines: America Leaves Svc Period [o-phileave]
Portugal returns Macau to China Svc Period [nsa-macau]
NSA: Portugal returns Macau to China Svc Period [o-macau]
OP Power Pack Svc Period [o-powerpack]
NSA: President Boris Yeltsin signs treaty with NATO Svc Period [nsa-borna]
OP Proud Hunter Svc Period (V'nam) [o-proudhunter]
OP Proide Comfort Svc Period [o-providecomf]
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OP Quyet Thang Svc Period (V'nam) [quyet]
OP Quicksilver Svc Period (V'nam) [quicksilver]
OP Quick Draw Svc Period [quickdraw]
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Reagan Assassination Attempt [reagshot]
Rebel forces attack Colombia military base [nsa-guav]
Russia creates its own Army [nsa-rusarm]
Russia finally leaves Germany [nsa-lasrus]
Russia will stop targetting US cities [nsa-rustar]
Russian Troops exit Estonia [nsa-ruston]
OP Reforger Svc Period (V'nam) [reforger]
OP Reflex Action (1952) [relex]
OP Restore Hope (Somalia) [restorehope]
Rhineland Combat Campaign Svc, WW2
Rome-Arno Combat Campaign Svc, WW2
OP Rolling Thunder Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Rush Svc Period (V'nam) [o-vnam]
Ranch Hand
NSA: Russian change of leadership Svc Period [o-yelreg]
Russian President Faces Revolt Crises Svc Period [nsa-yelrev]
Russian troops depart Lithuania Svc Period, 1993 [o-lithuan]
Russian and Chechnya Conflicts Svc Period, 1994-2007 [o-chechnha]
NSA: Russia sends first man into space Svc Period [o-yuri]
Russian and Chechnya Sign Peace Svc Period [o-yelmas]
Russian manned space craft TM-17 launches Svc Period [nsa-tm17]
Russian space agency tests space mirror Svc Period [nsa-rusmir]
UNSC order UN troops to Rwanda Svc Period [o-rwanda]
Rwandan Genocide begins Svc Period [nsa-juvenal]
Rwandese Patriotic Front occupies Kigali Svc Period [nsa-kigal]
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Please select Events S through U...
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Subic Bay Combat Campaign [subic]
Samaski massacre discovered [nsa-sham]
Soviet Union & Chinese Armed Forces Clash Svc Period [sinosov]
(Battle of) Salerno (Operation Avalanche) [salerno]
Sarin gas Attack in japan [nsa-masar]
Serbia Attacks Zagreb [nsa-zagreb]
Serbian Army begins holocaust [nsa-serschl]
South Korea beaches North Korea submarine [nsa-sang]
Soviet breakup affects Moldova peace [nsa-tranvi]
Space Treaty Agreed upon [nsa-ostreat]
Srebrinika massacre discovered [nsa-srebr]
State of emergency declared in Algeria [nsa-algse]
Exercise Seacat Svc [seacat]
NSE Sputnik Launch Svc Period [sputnik]
OP Safari Svc Period [o-safari]
OP Sharp Edge Svc Period [o-sharpedge]
OP Sharp Guard Svc Period [o-sharpgard]
NSE: Battle of Santa Cruz Svc Period [o-santacrz]
OP Shawnee Svc Period (V'nam) [v-shawnee]
NSE: Sino-Soviet Border Clash Svc Period [o-himalaya]
NSE: Sino-Soviet Split Svc Period [o-sino]
NSA: South Vietnam Invades Laos Svc Period [o-laosinv]
OP Scotland (V'nam) Svc Period [scotland]
Exercise Sea Dragon Svc Period (Korea) [seadrag]
OP Sea Dragon Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Shingle (Battle of Anzio) [anzio]
OP Shiny Bayonet
Svc Period (V'nam) [shiny]
OP Skoda (AAC)
NSA: Southeast Asia Treaty Org Svc Periond [seato]
OP Southern Watch (Persian Gulf) Svc Period [southwatch]
OP Speedy Express Svc Period (V'nam) [speedy]
OP Starlite Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Stone Svd Period (V'nam) [v-stone]
OP Strikeback Svc Period [o-strikebck]
NSA: Strategic Air Command Nuclear Activation Svd Period [o-sacnuke]
Exercise Steel Night (Dawn Blitz) Svc Period [steelnit]
OP Sunrise Svc Period (V'nam) [v-sunrise]
OP Swift Svc Period (V'nam)
Serbian army fires on school in Sarajevo Svc Period [o-serschl]
Serbs & Croats sign a cease-fire Svc Period [nsa-sercro]
Slobodan Milosevic re-elected president of Serbia Svc Period [nsa-slobo]
Slovak parliament declares independence from Czechoslovakia Svc Period [nsa-velvet]
Somali warlord Aidids murders 23 Pakistani Svc Period [nsa-sommur]
South Yemen secedes from Yemen Svc Period [nsa-yemense]
Start II arms reduction treaty is signed Svc Period [o-start2]
Supreme Soviet dismisses President Boris Yeltsin Svc Period [nsa-yeltdis]
Serbian Aircratft Destroyed by US Pilots Svc Period [nsa-serbac]
Somalia Mission is Re-Defined Svc Period [nsa-res897]
Sri Lankan President Assassinated Svc Period [nsa-tamilsu]
Serbia Strikes Kosovo Svc Period [o-kosvio]
Second Battle of Quang Tri Svc Period (V'nam)
Sierra Leone Coup Svc Period
Pakistan Coup: Musharraf Takes Over Svc Period
Shiny Bayonet (V'nam)
Siege of Plei Me Svc Period (V'nam) [v-pleime]
Sputnik Launch National Security Alert Svc Period [sputnik]
St. Mihiel Salient (WW1)
Suez Canal Crisis 1956 Svc Period [o-suezcrises]
Suez Canal Transit [o-sueztrans]
Suharto Revolution in Indonesia Svc Period [o-suharto]
Surrender of Germany, WW1
Surrender of Germany, WW2
Surrender of Italy, WW2
Surrender of Japan, WW2
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 1969-1972 Svc Period [salt]
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 1992 Svc Period [nsa-start]
OP Switch Svc Period [o-switch]
NSA: Switzerland Signs Test Ban Svc Period [o-swtest]
NSA: Sidi-Hamed massacre in Algeria Svc Period [nsa-sidi]
NSA: Slobodan Miloevic agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo Svc Period [nsa-nasus]
NSA: Schengen Treaty goes into effect Svc Period [nsa-schen]
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Tarawa, WW2 Combat Campaign [tarawa]
Trade Center bomber captured [nsa-salam]
Truce ends in Mozambiqu [nsa-renamo]
OP Taylor Common Svc Period [taylor]
Exercise Talisman Sabre [talisabr]
NSA: Allied Forces Bomb South Vietnam Villages Svc Period [o-trang]
NSA: Terrorist Carlos the Jackal is captured Svc Period [nsa-carlos]
Op Thunder Dragon [thundrag]
Op/Exercise Tiger, WW2 [o-tiger]
Thomas Klestil installed as president of Austria Svc Period [nsa-klestil]
Truce concludes between Angola and UNITA rebels Svc Period [nsa-angotru]
Turkish air force bombs Kurds Svc Period [nsa-turkur]
Twin Towers Struck by Terrorists, 1993 Svc Period [nsa-tc1993]
Two New Countries Join the United Nations Svc Period [nsa-erimon]
Taiwan Strait Crisis I Svc Period [taiwan1]
Taiwan Strait Crisis II Svc Period [taiwan2]
Taiwan Strait Crisis III Svc Period [taiwan3]
NSA: Taliban forces retake the strategic Bagram air base Svc Period [nsa-talib]
Taliban Routs Afghan Forces Svc Period [taliban]
Taliban Seizes Kabul Svc Period [talkub]
Tidal Wave (WW2) Svc Period [tidalwave]
NSE: Treaty of Tlatelolco Svc Period [tlatel]
OP Tailwind Svc Period (V'nam) [tailwind]
OP Texas Star Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Texas Traveler Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Toan Thang Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Tomodachi Svc Period [tomodac]
CLICK HERE to DESELECT selected items in this group
Ukraine, Moldava, Azerbaijan create a joint military [nsa-comwea]
UN peacekeepers sent to Yugoslavia [nsa-res743]
UN Standsdown in Zaire [nsa-azair]
US female pilots get combat approval [nsa-wompil]
US loans 20 billion to Mexico [nsa-loanmx]
US recognizes four new countries Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovinia, Slovinia [nsa-croind]
US Restores relations with Vietnam [nsa-vietres]
US Test first thermonuclear bomb [nsa-ivymike]
US Tests Nuclear Artillery [nsa-nevatest]
USAF jet shotdown over Bosnia [nsa-grady]
US/Vietnam Buildup Svc Period [v-buildup]
US, Iran, 5 EU powers announce agreement on Iran's nuclear program. (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran) Svc Period [jcpoa
Ukraine gives up nuclear arsenal Svc Period [nsa-ukrars]
OP Uphold Democracy Svc Period [o-uupholdemo]
OP Uphold Support Svc Period [o-uupholsupp]
UN authorizes embargo against Haiti Svc Period [nsa-unhati]
UN authorizes oil embargo against Haiti Svc Period [nsa-embaha]
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is signed Svc Period [nsa-unfcc]
UN lifts sanctions against South Africa Svc Period [nsa-salift]
UN peacekeepers withdraw from Sarajevo Svc Period [nsa-saraje]
UN Security Council votesto dump Yugoslavia Svc Period [nsa-dumyu]
NSA: US resumes bombing North Vietnam [resum]
NSA: US embassies bombs Svc Period [o-tanzb]
US Lifts China Trade Sanctions Svc Period [o-chitrade]
US Will Prevail in Vietnam [o-prevail]
US General Colin Powell retires Svc Period [nsa-poretir]
US House of Representatives approves Nafta Svc Period [nsa-nafta]
US Navy orders women on combat ship Svc Period [nsa-womship]
US Soldiers are killed in Somalia Svc Period [nsa-mogad]
UN Gains a New Member Svc Period [nsa-macun]
UN Resolutions 794 Signed Svc Period [nsa-un794]
United Nations Response in Somalia Svc Period [nsa-aidid]
United States Assists Bosnia- Herzegovinia Svc Period [nsa-foodmus]
US Announces Op Restore Hope Svc Period [nsa-reshop]
US Provides Economic Relief for Vietnam Svc Period [nsa-tradev]
U2 Crises, Operation OverFlight
Svc Period
UN Creates UNMOVIC Svc Period [o-hansb]
UN Passes Resolution 808 Svc Period [o-808]
UN Resolution 1199 Svc Period
UN Resolution 2758 Svc Period
UN send troops to Somalia Svc Period [somalia]
UN Welcomes New Members After Soviet Breakup Svc Period
Urgent Fury (Grenada) Svc Period [urgentfury]
USS Pueblo Crises and National Security Alert
OP Union Svc Period (V'nam)
OP Uniontown Svc Period (V'nam)
OP United Shield Svc Period [unitshld]
NSA: Ukraine premier Vitaly Massol resigns Svc Period [o-vitaly]
NSA: Ukraine reaffirms Soviet alignment Svc Period [o-ukraine]
NSA: US deploys troops in Northern Bosnia Svc Period [nsa-usnbo]
NSA: US General William Garrison accepts responsibility for 1993 raid in Somalia Svc Period [nsa-garso]
NSA: US military launches cruise missile attacks against al-Qaida Svc Period [nsa-usmil]
NSA: USSR detonates most powerful nuke Svc Period Svc Period [tsar]
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Please select Events V through Z...
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OP Valiant Hunt Svc Period, Vietnam [valiant]
Vance-Owen Peace Accords [nsa-vanow]
OP Virginia Ridge Svc Period [virginia]
Venezuela Coups Fails [nsa-venfa]
Venezuela president Carlos Andres Perez fired Svc Period [nsa-perez]
Violence between African National Congress and Inkatha Freedom Party Svc Period [nsa-boipat]
Vaclav Havel becomes first president of Czech Republic Svc Period [nsa-havel]
Vatican and Israel Exchange Ambassadors Svc Period [nsa-vatis]
OP Varsity (AAC)
Verdun Sector (WW1)
OP Veritable/Grenade (AAC)
Svc Period [verigren]
OP Vigilant Sentinel Svc Period [vigilsent]
NSA: Vladimir Putin becomes a permanent member of Russian Security Council Svc Period [nsa-putper]
NSA: Vladimir wins Russian leadership Svc Period [o-vput]
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Battle of White Horse (Korea) [whitehor]
William Calley fournd guilty of war crimes [v-calley]
World Trade Organization creater [nsa-wto]
NSA: Westmoreland replaces Harkins Svc Period (V'nam) [westhar]
OP Wheeler/Wallowa
Svc Period (V'nam)
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Wholesale Slaughter Begins in Rwanda Svc Period [nsa-rwand]
World Wide Web is Created Svc Period [nsa-wwwb]
Vung Ro Bay Incident
Svc Period (V'nam)
Warsaw Pact National Security Alert (Cold War)
NSA: WW1 ends Svc Period [ww1end]
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Yugoslavia breaks up [nsa-yugobk]
Yugoslav Army seizes Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic Svc Period [nsa-bosez]
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Zaire rebels demand government surrender [nsa-zasur]
NSA: Zapatistas Declare War Svc Period [o-elzn]
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