Air Defense Artillery Modular-Training Completion
Display Recognition Replacement Application Form
1. Complete this form in full.
2. Click the button at the bottom of this completed form to email it to The War Library, along with a photocopy of the required document(s) described on the Instruction Page, or you can Print and mail this form and the required documents to the Library's mailing address below.
Charge card or Debit card applicants: To expedite shipment of your Replacement Recognition you may email this form today. Your Replacement Recognition will be prepared and awaiting the arrival of your DD-214 or other, pre-arranged military document(s).
Records Chief (REC-AMW)
The American War Library
817 East Via Carmelitos
Virginia Building 319
Long Beach CA 90805-7549
Phone: 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)
LINK: Policy Statements On Display Recognitions & Hardwear
Personalized items shipped or emailed with a name & SN/PSN number cannot be returned or refunded. However, although typographical errors are very rare, there is no time limit on requesting corrections to errors.
Print a copy for yourself before clicking the bar below..
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