Phone: 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)
Email Questions

Air Defense Artillery Modular-Training Completion
Display Recognition Replacement Application Form


    1. Complete this form in full.
    2. Click the button at the bottom of this completed form to email it to The War Library, along with a photocopy of the required document(s) described on the Instruction Page, or you can Print and mail this form and the required documents to the Library's mailing address below.

    Do Not Hilite, Underline, Circle, Colorize
    Or Mark In Any Way The DD-214
    Or Other Military Document Photocopy
    You Will Be Sending.

    Charge card or Debit card applicants: To expedite shipment of your Replacement Recognition you may email this form today. Your Replacement Recognition will be prepared and awaiting the arrival of your DD-214 or other, pre-arranged military document(s).

    Recipient's LAST Name (as it appears on the Report of Separation):
    FIRST Name (as it appears on the Report of Separation):

    MIDDLE name (as it appears on the Report of Separation):
    Title (Must appear on military documentation):Jr Sr II III IV

    Rank Title (Please Do Not Abbreviate):


    I have not moved. My current address info is on file from a previous application


    Full and complete contact email address:


  • Enter the veteran's FIRST FOUR DIGITS ONLY (Do Not enter any alphabet letters. Numbers only.) 
  • Enter the SECOND FOUR (or remaining) DIGITS ONLY  

  • If you are sending a check or USPS money order please indicate:

    • I will mail a check along with my application and documentation. The Library will receive my envelope within 10 days from today.
    • I will mail a USPS money order along with my application and documentation. The Library will receive my envelope within 10 days from today.

    CHARGE or DEBIT CARD applicants:

    -- My current Card information is already on file from a previous Application

    If your Card information is not on file, please Complete the following...

    Your Name as it appears on your charge or check debit card:

    Payment Method
      Check Debit
      American Express
      Diners Club
      Carte Blanche

    Card number:
    Expiration Date
    Card Verification Number (CVV Code) (See below)
    American Express: 4 digits on front of card
    All other cards, 3 digits on back

    After printing this form for mailing, please sign here:

    International shipping cost (U.S. veteran living outside the United States, please add the shipping cost you were quoted...


    I want to purchase the Full Color...

  • PDF emailed ($7.50) (No shipping fee)
  • Document shipped ($23.30)... with wallet card ($29.30)
  • Document shipped in Bond Enclosure ($28.30)... with wallet card ($34.30)
  • (The shipping totals above include the USPS - Priority Mail shipping fee)

    Select one (or more) of the following Certificates...

    Select... Unselect Assisting Squad Leader In Crew Training
    Select... Unselect Collecting & Consolidating Intelligence Information
    Select... Unselect Coordinating & Supervising PMCS
    Select... Unselect Driving & Operating The Bradley Linebacker
    Select... Unselect Determining Weapon Employment
    Select... Unselect Selecting Targets & Issuing Fire Commands
    Select... Unselect Maintaining & Repairing The Vehicle
    Select... Unselect Operating Communications Equipment
    Select...Unselect Operating Lining Of Sight-Forward-Heavy Weapons
    Select... Unselect Operating Target Sighting Equipment
    Select... Unselect Operating The Onboard NBC System
    Select... Unselect Operating Turrets & Firing Guns
    Select... Unselect Operating 2-Way Radios For Battling Orders
    Select... Unselect Performing Preventiving Maintenancing Checks
    Select... Unselect Performs Gunner Duties During Target Engagements
    Select... Unselect Loading, Unloading, PMCS, & Correctiving Actions
    Select... Unselect Preparing Ranging Card
    Select... Unselect Process Special & Periodic Reports
    Select... Unselect Reading Maps, Compassing & Battling Plans
    Select... Unselect Scouting Techniques
    Select... Unselect Routing Of Movement & Vehicling Positions
    Select... Unselect Understanding Artillery Tactics & Battle Strategy
    Select... Unselect ID Threat & Friendly Aircraft & Armored Vehicles
    Select... Unselect Stinger Weapon Round
    Select... Unselect Launch Tube Assembly
    Select... Unselect Interrogator Friend Or Foe Sys
    Select... Unselect Weapon Round Container
    Select... Unselect Employment Of Stinger
    Select... Unselect Stationary Point Defense
    Select... Unselect Mobile Point Defense
    Select... Unselect Main Gun, 25mm Automatic Gun, M242
    Select... Unselect TOW Missile
    Select... Unselect M240C 7.62 Coaxial Machine Gun
    Select... Unselect Offensive Employment
    Select... Unselect Stinger Cntl Box
    Select... Unselect Bradley Cntl Electronics
    Select... Unselect Cntl Display Terminal
    Select... Unselect Sighting Sys
    Select... Unselect IFF Sys
    Select... Unselect Bradley Missile Countermeasure Device
    Select... Unselect Bradley Linebacker Cmd & Cntl
    Select... Unselect Bradley Linebacker Digital Compass Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger M3P .50-Caliber Machine Gun
    Select... Unselect Avenger Remote Cntl Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Sensor
    Select... Unselect Avenger Forward Looking Infrared Receiver
    Select... Unselect Avenger Optical Sight
    Select... Unselect Avenger Identification Friend or Foe
    Select... Unselect Avenger Laser Range Finder
    Select... Unselect Avenger Offensive Employment
    Select... Unselect Avenger Defensive Employment
    Select... Unselect Avenger Theater High Altitude Area Defense Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger Antenna Eqpt Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Electronics Eqpt Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Cooling Eqpt Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Operator Cntl Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Battle Mgmt/Cmd, Cntl, Commo, & Intell
    Select... Unselect Avenger Tactical Ops Station
    Select... Unselect Avenger Launch Cntl Station
    Select... Unselect Avenger Sys Support Group
    Select... Unselect Avenger Tactical Station Group
    Select... Unselect Avenger Sensor Sys Interface
    Select... Unselect Avenger Communications Relay
    Select... Unselect Avenger Modified PLS Truck
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Round Pallet
    Select... Unselect Avenger Electronics Module
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Round
    Select... Unselect Avenger Canister
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Assembly
    Select... Unselect Avenger Weapon Assignment
    Select... Unselect THAAD Surveillance
    Select... Unselect THAAD Threat Evaluation
    Select... Unselect THAAD Engagement Cntl
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Prelaunch
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Launch
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Boost
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Postboost
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Midcourse
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Hand-over & Acquisition
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Target Track
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Engage
    Select... Unselect Avenger Missile Ops Impact & Target Destruction
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/GRC-193A Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/GRC-226 Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/GSQ-240 JTIDS Class 2M Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger Cmder's Tactical Terminal
    Select... Unselect Avenger Compact Digital Switch
    Select... Unselect Avenger Encryption Devices
    Select... Unselect Avenger Fiber Optic Cable
    Select... Unselect Avenger Global Positioning Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger Mobile Subscriber Eqpt
    Select... Unselect Avenger SINCGARS Radios
    Select... Unselect THAAD Non-Organic MSR & ACUS Connectivity
    Select... Unselect Avenger Battery Mission Ops Network
    Select... Unselect Avenger Battery Wire/Telephone Network
    Select... Unselect Avenger Battery FM Cmd Net
    Select... Unselect Avenger Battery FM Support Net
    Select... Unselect Patriot Air Defense Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger Information & Coordination Central
    Select... Unselect Avenger Electric Power Unit
    Select... Unselect Avenger Communications Relay Group
    Select... Unselect Antenna Mast Gp Truck Mounted OE-349/MRC
    Select... Unselect Engmt Ctrl Stn Truck Mounted AN/MSQ-104
    Select... Unselect Radar Set, Semi-Trailer Mounted, AN/MPQ-53
    Select... Unselect Avenger Electric Power Plant
    Select... Unselect Launching Stn Guided Msl Semi-Trailer Mntd
    Select... Unselect Avenger Guided Missile Intercept Aerial, MIM-104
    Select... Unselect Avenger Information & Coordination Central
    Select... Unselect Avenger Fire Unit Target Engagement Sequence
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/ARC-187 UHF Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/GRC-103 UHF Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/GSQ-240 JTIDS Class 2M Radio
    Select... Unselect Avenger AN/TRC-170 Radio Terminal Set
    Select... Unselect Avenger AMDPCS Components
    Select... Unselect Avenger Single Channel Ground & Abn Radio Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger Mobile Subscriber Eqpt
    Select... Unselect Enhanced Position Location Rprtg Sys (EPLRS)
    Select... Unselect Avenger Joint Tactical Information Distribution Sys
    Select... Unselect Avenger Sentinel Radar
    Select... Unselect Patriot Conduct Of Fire Trainer
    Select... Unselect Radar Set March Order & Emplacement Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Communications Sys Task Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Data Link Upgrade Task Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Radar Frequency Comparator Task Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Antenna Element Task Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Embedded Trainers
    Select... Unselect Patriot Empty Round Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Missile Round Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Intermediate Maintentance Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Logistics Support
    Select... Unselect Patriot Ad Battalion
    Select... Unselect Patriot Ad Firing Unit
    Select... Unselect Patriot Support Eqpt
    Select... Unselect Launcher Platoon FM Cmd Net
    Select... Unselect ADA Brigade
    Select... Unselect Patriot Adjacent Patriot Battalions
    Select... Unselect Patriot Supported & Supporting Unit
    Select... Unselect Patriot Internal Communications
    Select... Unselect Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle
    Select... Unselect Patriot Multichannel Radio Syss
    Select... Unselect Patriot IHFR-AM
    Select... Unselect Patriot Fire Unit Cmd FM Net
    Select... Unselect Patriot Fire Unit Ops Net
    Select... Unselect Mobile Subscriber Eqpt
    Select... Unselect Remote Cntl Terminal
    Select... Unselect Patriot BSFV Institutional Conduct Of Fire Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot BSFV Unit Conduct Of Fire Trainer
    Select... Unselect Patriot Through Sight Video Camera
    Select... Unselect Precision Gunnery Sys
    Select... Unselect Bradley Missile Simulation Round
    Select... Unselect The Force on Force Trainer
    Select... Unselect Stinger Captive Flight Trainer
    Select... Unselect Avenger Institutional Conduct Of Fire Trainer
    Select... Unselect Avenger Captive Flight Trainer
    Select... Unselect Avenger Force-On-Force Trainer
    Select... Unselect Avenger Table Top Trainer
    Select... Unselect Avenger Troop Proficiency Trainer
    Select... Unselect Sentinel Troop Proficiency Trainer
    Select... Unselect Sentinel Institutional Maintenance Trainer
    Select... Unselect Stinger Field Handling Trainer
    Select... Unselect Stinger Tracking Head Trainer Set
    Select... Unselect Stinger Troop Proficiency Trainer
    Select... Unselect Stinger Improved Moving Target Simulator
    Select... Unselect Balanced Fires
    Select... Unselect Defense In Depth
    Select... Unselect Early Engagement
    Select... Unselect Integration
    Select... Unselect Mobility
    Select... Unselect Mutual Support
    Select... Unselect Overlapping Fires
    Select... Unselect Weighted Coverage

    Would you like a published copy of My Military Medal Last Will & Testament?

  • No, I will obtain the free jpg copy
  • Yes, please include a Medal Will for a MALE heir of my Awards & add $4.00 to my total
  • Yes, please include a Medal Will for a FEMALE heir of my Awards & add $4.00 to my total

  • Would you like to track your package through the United States Post Office after it has been shipped (for forty-five [.45] cents extra)?

  • Yes, add 45 cents to my total
  • No, I don't want to track my package

  • Ignore this final Question if you will EMAIL or have previously EMAILED a copy your DD-214...

    Would you like your mailed DD-214 scanned by The War Library & integrated into your 201A Award Report that will be emailed to you when your requested item(s) are sent to you? The scanning fee is $3.00 (a one-time fee)

  • Yes, add a one-time $3.00 to my total to Scan & Integrate my DD-214 into my Award Report
  • No, I will accept my Award Report without my DD-214 appearing in the Report

  • Your Application Form is now complete. After clicking the button below to send this Form you will soon receive a confirmation email containing final instructions on which items, if any, are needed to fulfill your request. Your DD-214 can be mailed or emailed. Non-personalized items such as hardwear may be exchanged or returned within ten days of delivery.

Records Chief (REC-AMW)
The American War Library
817 East Via Carmelitos
Virginia Building 319
Long Beach CA 90805-7549
Phone: 1-562-422-4100 (Pacific Time Zone)
LINK: Policy Statements On Display Recognitions & Hardwear
Personalized items shipped or emailed with a name & SN/PSN number cannot be returned or refunded. However, although typographical errors are very rare, there is no time limit on requesting corrections to errors.

LINK: Policy Statements On Display Recognitions and Hardwear
Name-personalized items that are produced uniquely for a recipient may not be exchanged or returned. However, although typographical errors are very rare, there is no time limit on requesting corrections to errors.

Print a copy for yourself before clicking the bar below..